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SportsMed News

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

May 20, 2021

Over 500,000 people in the United States suffer from Parkinson’s disease, and the numbers are rising. Although the cause of this debilitating neurological degenerative disease is unknown, scientists and doctors alike attribute it to both environmental and genetic factors. Seeing that the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease progress very slowly over time, it is imperative for you to be equipped with the knowledge to detect signs of this neurodegenerative disorder. Although there is no cure available for Parkinson’s disease, early treatment and intervention can stall the progression of the disease and improve daily functions. Below are 8 signs that you may have the disease, and please consult your medical practitioner should you notice multiple of these symptoms developing in your daily life.

Trembling in Body Parts

This is one of the most well-known symptoms of the disease. If you experience a constant shaking or trembling in your body parts, especially your fingers, chin or wrist, it could be an early sign of the disease. The trembling should occur when you are resting and not after strenuous activities.

Loss of Stability

Yet another one of the common symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Has there been sudden stiffness in your body parts that have resulted in your loss in stability? If so, a stiffness that doesn’t go away with stretching or physical therapy could be an indicative sign of Parkinson’s disease. The loss in stability could also be thought of as an overbearing inertia that seems to glue your feet to the ground.

Problem Writing

Should you be an avid writer, then realizing that your handwriting has decreased in size substantially could be a sign of something amiss. The term micrographia comes in here, which means a disorder that brings about smaller, cramped up handwriting, a symptom of Parkinson’s disease.

Sudden Deterioration of Posture

If you realize that your posture is hunching over suddenly without your knowledge, it could be due to Parkinson’s disease. Alongside the stooped posture, many patients experience difficulty in walking progressing over time.

Softer Voice

A progressively softer voice could be a clear sign of your vocal chords losing control as the disease takes hold. Ask the people around you if your voice has changed drastically or if it sounds more hoarse than usual.

Rigid Facial Expression

Having a rigid facial expression as you age may not be uncommon, but a deep, serious or even depressed look may mean something more sinister. Facial masking is common amongst sufferers from Parkinson’s disease so if your usual jolly face deviates from the norm, it may be wise to consult your doctor.


Feeling dizzy and faint regularly can be a problem because low blood pressure can be connected to Parkinson’s disease. If you experience constant dizziness together with the other symptoms of Parkinson’s, it is important to schedule a meeting with your doctor.

Difficulty Swallowing

Last of our list of symptoms of Parkinson’s disease is dysphagia or difficulty swallowing can happen at any point during Parkinson disease and starts off with a feeling of food getting stuck in the throat. This is one of the most definitive signs of something wrong and should be treated seriously if you begin to lose the ability to swallow your food.