SportsMed News

Set a Fitness Goal to Stay Motivated

October 27, 2017

Motivation is a funny thing; it comes fast and keeps you working at your very best, but it goes equally as fast. Everyone runs out of motivation from time to time, and now that summer is over, you may find the need to exercise and keep your summer bod, ever so pertinent. The easiest solution to this is simply in perfecting your fitness goal and that alone can keep you motivated for a long time to come. Without further ado, here are some ways on creating the perfect fitness goal that will help you stay motivated through autumn.

Changing Your View Towards a Fitness Goal

Out of all the tips that you will get from this article, this is one of the most important tip that you should take away with you. Your fitness goal should always be part of your daily routine and something that you see as essential in your daily life. The thing about motivation is that it excludes any negative feelings in your mind, letting you work towards your goal of making a difference. Now once you change your view towards a fitness goal and see it as a norm, something part of your lifestyle will change and all negative feelings you have towards it will drop. Only then will you be able to stay motivated without time being the limiting factor on your fitness journey.

Tangible Goal

The second tip to creating the perfect fitness goal is for your goal to be tangible. In order for you to be continuously motivated, you have to see the change physically, or at least be able to measure it in some tangible manner. If your basic goal is simply to keep fit, without having any measure of your fitness beforehand, you are probably going to tire out in a few months because you won’t be able to see any results. What you could do instead is time your daily run, for example, and aim to get better with every session. This goal within your goal will be what keeps you motivated for the long run, not some lofty goal that you set to make yourself feel better.

Incorporating Cardio

Regardless of what fitness goal you have, it should incorporate some form of cardio in it. Besides the obvious reason of building up your general endurance and well-being, cardiovascular exercises play a slightly less obvious role in keeping you motivated for a long time: Making you happy. When you incorporate some form of cardio in your routine, your body releases endorphins. Now endorphins not only lead to feelings of euphoria, but they encourage better overall mood elevation. The best thing about endorphins is that you won’t build a reliance or tolerance to it, which makes it excellent for improving your motivation during each workout!

That’s it! Following these simple steps will allow you to create the perfect workout goal that will encourage you to stay motivated for a sustainable period of time. Remember, the change in your lifestyle because of your fitness goal will not happen overnight, but building on it every day will eventually change your life for the better.