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SportsMed News

How to Improve Bone Health

February 16, 2018

Bone health has often been overlooked by the young and active, resulting in a large proportion of people seeking to improve their bone health only when they age. Adding to this, one in four men over the age of 50 tend to encounter an osteoporosis-related fracture in his remaining lifetime, making it ever so imperative for everyone, regardless of their age to start thinking about bone health. A common misconception is that bones are dead tissues, much like hair and are built and left as it is. However, that could not be further from the truth. Bones are living tissues and within them, cells are constantly being torn down and rebuilt. With that being said, there are always ways to strengthen our existing bones, so wait no further and start improving your bone health with these steps!

Vitamin D

Not many people know this, but vitamin D is just as important for maintaining one’s bone health. Not only does it optimize your intestines for maximal absorption of calcium, but supply enough nutrients to ensure your bones are strong and dense. Many people around the world that are not exposed to sunlight may actually not be getting enough vitamin D in their body. Depending on where you live and the color of your skin, it may be a good idea to start supplementing your diet with vitamin D.


Calcium is an essential mineral that not only works for your bones but also your nerves, muscles, and cells. Your body utilizes bones as the main storage site for calcium, increasing its density throughout. Although people aged 25 to 35 do not have to worry about their bone density as it is at its peak, making sure you get the daily required amount of calcium should be encouraged.

Working Out

Exercise is an extremely important factor in keeping our bones strong and functional. It is imperative to perform both resistance training as well as cardiovascular training to ensure proper bone health. The reason for this is because exercise stimulates bone formation and retain the calcium which is already in the bones. By stimulating the bone, the bone-building process is further carried out, strengthening it.

Changes to Diet

Some research has shown that excess consumption of coffee and tea may contribute to bone loss in individuals although the mechanism of the action has not yet been determined. The current myth is that carbonated soft drinks cause the bone to weaken over time but research has yet to yield evidence of this. The best solution is for everyone to consume enough food such as dairy, fish, meat, and vegetables to ensure their daily micronutrients requirement is being met.

Eliminate Smoking

Lastly, cutting out cigarettes from your life may be a good idea as prior research has shown that smoking increases the risk of osteoporosis and can hinder bone health. If you are a habitual smoker and find yourself susceptible to fractures, then ceasing to smoke is the best cure out there aside from an overhaul of lifestyle.