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SportsMed News

Best Morning Routine for Plantar Fasciitis

July 20, 2018


Waking up every day with a sharp pain in your heels is probably not the best way to start your day. For many, this pain may fade as your day passes, but for others, it’s a chronic pain that persists for the greater part of their day. Heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis) is a real concern that plagues millions of average Americans and athletes around the world and many times, this phenomenon is turned a blind eye towards. Be it from running, overstressing your lower body, or an injury to your ligament, plantar fasciitis can be a nightmare if not dealt with immediately. Fortunately, with a well-put-together morning routine for plantar fasciitis relief, it can bring about relief for you in the long run. Take a look at the following morning routine for your plantar fasciitis and you could find yourself well on your way to starting your day pain-free!

Calf Stretch/Foam roll

For the calf stretch, place your feet against the wall and lean your weight forward slightly. You should feel a stretch in your calves. Alternatively, you can perform a myofascial release of your calves by rolling a foam roller over each calf in a forward and backward motion. If you feel pain or areas of tension, roll over the specific area more times.

Myofascial Release of Soles

Get seated, and place the foam roller on the floor. With one foot on the foam roller, apply pressure to it and roll it forward and back, from your heels to the end of the arch on your soles. You should be able to feel the intrinsic muscles in your soles relaxing.

Toe Stretch

For the toe stretch, simply take your fingers and gently stretch your toes towards your body. Hold for a period once resistance is felt. Alternatively, you could stand facing a wall with your toes pressed up against it.

Seated Resistance Stretch

The seated resistance stretch requires the use of a towel or a resistance band. Placing the towel over the arches of one foot, pull the towel until you feel resistance in the calves and the soles of your feet. Hold for a period of time. Repeat with the other foot.

The Routine

Start the routine for plantar fasciitis relief first by doing a calf stretch or by foam rolling your calves, depending on your preference. Perform the stretch for 30 seconds before moving on to the myofascial release of your soles. A good forward and backward motion of 30 times should be adequate. Move on to the toe stretch and hold it for 30 seconds on each foot. Finally, perform the seated resistance stretch for 30 seconds on each foot. Upon completion of the routine, you should feel an immediate relief in your heels and there shouldn’t be pain when walking.

With the constant and routine use of the above routine, your heels should be well-stretched, and the pain soothed in the long run. It is important to maintain a good form when performing the stretches to prevent any pre-existing injuries from exacerbating. Take as much rest as you need should the intensity be too much on your first try and stop immediately if you experience any severe discomfort or pain. Do note that the routine is not a replacement for a consultation with a medical practitioner.