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SportsMed News

Plantar Fasciitis AKA Bottom Of The Foot Pain

December 2, 2016

Have you been feeling a sharp foot pain in the morning? Has your foot been hurting more throughout the day?

If you’ve been experiencing this foot pain, perhaps you’ve been dealing with plantar fasciitis. 

What Is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the plantar fascia (flat band of ligament on the base of your sole that connects your heel bone to your toes) become inflamed, weak or swollen. It is especially prevalent in middle-aged people, although athletes who work out lower body frequently or perform high impact exercises run the risk of developing foot pain at a faster rate.

How Does the Pain Occur?

The foot pain usually starts when your plantar fascia is repeatedly exposed to trauma from stress to the tissue, resulting in inflammation of the tissue over time. Unfortunately, some of us are genetically predisposed to developing plantar fasciitis due to our naturally high arch or uneven leg length. The biomechanics failure that continues as we age, coupled together with the repetitive nature of our sports results in the unfortunate development of plantar fasciitis.

For beginners becoming active in sports such as running, it’s important to know that incorrect training techniques along with a rapid increase in volume and intensity can exacerbate stress being placed on the plantar fascia. It could actually effect the ligament’s elasticity, leading to serious injury.

How to Treat Pain On The Bottom Of Your Foot

Thankfully, plantar fasciitis rarely occurs bilaterally (in both legs). It has been shown in research that males tend to suffer from a greater incidence of plantar fasciitis as compared to females.

The very first step of reducing the pain once signs and symptoms of plantar fasciitis have been noticed is to ice, stretch, and consume anti-inflammatory medication. If the symptoms persist, it is imperative to stop any of their activities that can lead to further trauma to the plantar fascia.

This could possibly mean abstaining from your sports or workout routine for up to six months in order to fully recover. Physical therapy and stretching should also aim to increase passive flexion of the foot while improving the mobility of the foot and ankle, all while abstaining from high impact activities.

In need of Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation? Schedule an Appointment Today!

If you have any questions, or want a consultation with a professional, feel free to call, or schedule an appointment online at any of our Bergen County or Passaic County offices in New Jersey. Choose from Glen Rock, Franklin Lakes, Fair Lawn, Ridgewood/Ho-Ho-Kus, and/or Clifton – we make it possible for you to visit any of our offices at your convenience.

Do you, or someone you know suffer from plantar fasciitis? We can help with a simple consultation.