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SportsMed News

Have Shoulder Pain? Try Soft Tissue Work.

June 27, 2016

Among desk-bound workers, shoulder pain is common. The hunched over and internally rotated position found in cubicles leads to many musculoskeletal issues, shoulder pain being just one of them. Soft tissue work can help.

If you have shoulder pain that is constant, be sure to get checked out by a doctor. Knowing the cause of the pain will be the key to treating and healing your injury. If you have shoulder pain that comes and goes, try implementing a daily practice of soft tissue work to help loosen up tight muscles.

The following can be done anywhere with a wall and all you need is a tennis ball or lacrosse ball. If you’re just starting out, we recommend a tennis ball because it will be much more forgiving while you are learning.

Note – All of these can be done on the floor or on the wall. For beginners who are just starting, try it first on a wall. It will be easier to control the intensity levels. Be very slow in your movements. They can be painful if not done with full control. Remember to breathe at all times. Do not hold your breath!

Soft Tissue Work Exercises

[youtubeVideo id=”hmPHGpNX0SI?t=3m4s” height=”250″ /]

Lacrosse Ball in Back (Starts at 3:04)

Place the lacrosse ball on the inside of your upper back (just past the shoulder blade) and move around. Keep the elbow straight and raise your arm overhead as much as possible (once your elbow bends stop).

If you have any questions, or want a consultation with a professional, feel free to call, or schedule an appointment online at any of our Bergen County or Passaic County offices in New Jersey. Choose from Glen Rock, Franklin Lakes, Fair Lawn, Ridgewood/Ho-Ho-Kus, and/or Clifton – we make it possible for you to visit any of our offices at your convenience.

Lacrosse Ball in Outer Upper Back (Starts at 4:59)

While leaning on one side, place the ball on the outside of your shoulder blade (will be just behind your shoulder). Once you find a tender spot, open and close your arm.

Lacrosse Ball in Upper Chest (Starts at 5:55)

 Place a lacrosse ball just above the armpit and press up against a wall. Once you find a tender spot move your arm around and back and forth.

Note – In the video (at the 7:05 mark) he uses a bar in the upper trap, this may be hard to do at the office or home, but would be great to do at the gym.

Do you, or someone you know suffer from shoulder problems? We can help with a simple consultation.